Yesterday I spent most of the day doing what seemed like an endless amount of errands all around the Richmond district. Somehow, during the day I missed this incident, which I just read in the daily report from the SFPD Taraval Station report :
Suspicious Occurence-Muni
2:12 pm – 9th/Irving
Numerous officers responded to a report of a bomb on the Muni N-Line LRV. THe officer located the LRV and spoke with the operator who said that a passenger said he was going to blow up the LRV. The officers spoke with the passenger, who appeared to be mentally challenged. He did not have any explosives on him.
Needless to say, I’m glad it was some nutjob, and not a real terrorist or something. However as of late there’s been a lot more crime in the Inner Sunset, and it’s high time we ask our electeds and our wannabe electeds to get on the ball here. We’ve had two bank robberies on Irving, break-in thefts are on the rise, and we’re getting the violent, nasty punks who sit on the street all day that used to be in the Upper Haight. One of them even threatened me with a knife a few weeks ago while I was sitting at an outdoor cafe having a coffee. Being against crime doesn’t always make one popular these days, but if I’m picking sides I’m picking the one that isn’t out to steal from, or hurt me.