A Moment of Sun on the N and the 43

As you all know, we’ve been getting some rain this past month. No, make that a lot of rain. Day after day of dreary skies and wet days. It’s been driving me nuts – I’m one of those people who really needs to be in the sun daily, otherwise it starts to affect me a little.
So yesterday, when I got an unexpected call from a friend who was in town, I decided to leave my home office early (around 3pm) and get outside. Plus, thanks to the inventors of this gadget I got way ahead on some work I was doing, so I was out of the office.
Immediately I felt better. So, I decied to meet my friend at USF, which usually calls for a 43 to campus. I got on the N to get to 9th Avenue, but started to wonder…should I get on the 43 at 9th, or should I stay on the famous N to Carl St. and Cole St.?
These are the questions someone who’s been inside too long starts to debate in their head.
I decided on the latter, not realizing I was about to participate in a realtime comparitive test of the Muni system. You see, a couple of the more wildly dressed “youths” got off the train at 9th and Irving. The only reason I really noticed was because they were dressed in such a way you couldn’t notice them. Longtime SF residents know exactly what I’m talking about.
Anyway, I got off the N at Carl and Cole and waited for a 43. When I finally got on the 43 I walked ot the back and whom did I run in to? The two youths who got off at 9th and Judah to take the 43! So the results of the unintended experiment were in – it made no difference which way I went – the timing was exactly the same!
I met up with my friend at USF, and we ended up stopping off at Tommy’s Joynt before he headed off to some diplomatic affair at the German Consulate. If you haven’t walked by this place, you really should sometime. Located on Jackson St., It looks like it belongs in a Le Carre novel or a James Bond movie. I kept expecting a clown to crash through the window with secret codes or something.
Thanks to Daylight Saving Time and the sun, I didn’t feel like running home right away so I ended up taking a walk and ended up at Kennedy’s on Columbus, had a Guinesss ($2!) and took a cable car back to Powell Station and talked to some of the day’s tourists, and some natives catching a ride thanks to their Muni Pass. It was fun.
The sunlight and exercise and the Guinness moved me out of winter blahs and into a near euphoria by the time I got home. My roommate probably thinks I’m insane by now since I was so “up” when I got home. But that’s what a little bit of sunlight can do for some folks.!

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3 Responses to A Moment of Sun on the N and the 43

  1. Ben Casnocha says:

    This is hilarious….keep up the good work for our neighborhood!

  2. ViVix says:

    Kennedy’s: $2 Guinness, Chicken Pakoras, Air Hockey…..there is heaven on earth!!!
    Woo to the Hoo…me heart K’s

  3. wake up! says:

    The N-Judah blues

    It’s been years since I’ve ridden the N-Judah muni streetcar on a regular basis but for a while there back in the late ’80s and early ’90s I practically lived on it. I rode it to get downtown, to get to BART, to get to the east …

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