So this is why the N was running so strangely today. I knew something was up when I saw packed cars full of folks going outbound in the middle of the day, and other strange behavior. Makes me glad I’m not in a rush to get anywhere today. Unfortunately, the folks trying to get home on a Friday probably aren’t too happy.
MUNI? Nate Ford? You’re still “On Notice…”
UPDATE 9/12/06:Wow! Put the SF weather “on notice’ and suddenly it’s nice and hot again! If you’re not outside already, do so at once! We’re getting one of our promised “warm” fall days, so enjoy it!

More thorough blog fun up and coming once the Internet is restored at the N-Judah Chronicles’ headquarters in the scenic Inner Sunset!
Muni: Now only 20% faster than walking!
I love that the “Critical massholes” are on notice, too!