Ah, NextBus, If you ever want to start something, start talkin’ NextBus and you set off a range of emotions, urban legends and angst that can set off people like few other issues can.
Then, of course, there’s this little error on 9th, at Irving I spotted this weekend (as did one of our loyal readers from SF State!) Now, my camera phone’s shutter speed can’t capture a flickering NextBus sign in its entirety, but if you look closely you’ll see a NextBus sign freshly installed at a stop that only serves the 44 O’Shaughnessy.
One problem: the sign is a light up sign for….the N-Judah. Another problem: every thing I’ve read suggests that diesel lines (such as the 44) are going to be the last ones to get a NextBus upgrade.
Muni does thisat Church & Duboce for the J-Church. Basically there’s a shelter there that serves the 22, but has NextBus info for the 22 and the J-Church (which boards on a little platform out in the street).
It’s not the ideal set up, but it works when you need to know how long until the J arrives.