Several Loyal Readers have written in asking why it is I have not discussed Supervisor Aaron Peskin’s proposed charter amendment to “fix” MUNI, which has been in the papers the last few days. Good question!
The answer is this – while I have read the same press coverage everyone else has, I don’t like the idea of immediately jumping up and responding to every single piece of news without finding out for myself what’s really going on. It’s quite easy for politicians or bureaucrats to announce something and rattle off a list of Things That Make Us Feel Good, but in the devilish details, we the riders get screwed once again. Hey, remember how they kept promising having the N go to Embarcadero would speed things up?
Rather than just do the usual blogging-shmo thing and react, I’m going to try and see if Supervisor Peskin will deign to talk to a lowly citizen blogger, and do a little digging instead, and see what I find out. In the meantime, if you see something on MUNI or have ideas for subjects that could use a bit more of a once over than a regular blog post, feel free to send them in!
Special Note:If you haven’t already done so, fill out the Reader Survey so we can fine tune this site to better suit the needs of MUNI riders everywhere! Thanks to all who have filled it out so far!
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