We don’t have any celebrities to do those The More You Know – style PSAs like they have on NBC, but as a heat wave approaches San Francisco and the Bay Area, I felt it was time to resurrect an old PSA I did two years ago,:
PLEASE be considerate and use your favorite personal hygiene products before boarding our Mighty N, or other MUNI trains or buses during the heat wave. PLEASE.
And, for those of you who recycle, either to save Mother Earth, or to collect the CRV on the zillions of cans and bottles that will be dumped all over the Bay To Breakers route, please remember the MUNI system is not a trash hauling concern.
There are plenty of fun activities to enjoy around Our Fair City, and you don’t always need a car to get to and from them. However, in a crowded MUNI bus or train, especially those sans any sort of air conditioning, conditions can get rough. So have a great week, enjoy the heat wave, and show your consideration to your fellow citizen by using any one of a number of hygiene products that will ensure if someone’s smelling up MUNI, at least it isn’t you or a loved one. Thank you!
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But please don’t OVER-use them — I address this specifically to the individual whose personal cloud of AXE body spray and Big Red gum caused me much ocular distress on an elevator ride today.
This public service post brought to you by Speedstick, Degree, and Axe bodyspray for Men.
I love this post because I know sadly many muni patrons forget this small little step.
Those of us who are Dr. Demento fans and enjoy “Weird Al’s” versions of popular songs, may remember from “Another One Rides the Bus”–“there’s a smelly old bum standing next to me/hasn’t showered in a year—”