Seen on the MUNI TroubleAlert today: Starting in October, MUNI will no longer sell weekly passes! I hadn’t heard this was coming, and after asking around, no one else seems to have seen this coming.
I’m not really sure what the reasoning behind this is….some people do not need a monthly pass (or would not get full use of it if they travel a lot out of town) and a weekly pass is a nice easy way to do a week’s worth of commuting without fumbling for quarters. You can’t ride the cable cars for free, of course, like you can with a monthly, but when I was traveling a lot for work I would often buy weeklies to avoid paying for a big monthly pass I wouldn’t even get to use.
It may be that the hassle & expense of printing up new weekly passes is enough to warrant their doom. How about you, Loyal Readers? Will cutting weekly passes affect how you spend your transportation dollars to go to work or conduct your daily routine around town?
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