Dear Awesome N Judah Operator From Today:
You don’t know me, but I’m possibly your biggest fan. No, scratch that. I know many people who are regular riders of the N who are your biggest fans, too. No, scratch that, you have a lot of fans out there who when I describe you and know who I’m talking about. And yet I don’t know your name or what you look like (since I usually board in the 2nd car).
So, let me tell you why you are the kind of Muni professional that represents what happens when good people do a great job for the owner/riders, based on today’s inbound ride from Irving/7th to Duboce/Church. You operated the train at a safe speed, and we never fell forward from a sudden stop.
When we got to stops, you announced in a clear and easy to understand voice connecting trains or other things a passenger might need to know, such as when we approached UCSF. On top of that, you also reinforced the rules regarding senior and disabled seats which I’ve never heard other operators do (I’m not saying this doesn’t happen, I just haven’t heard it personally because I dont’ ride every train and bus every day).
My only regret was that I could get to the front car in time before you departed Duboce and Church to either take your picture or at least say “good job” before the train had to leave. So instead, I Twittered 311, and later called them as well, because I think people who do a great job deserve a commendation. Too often, I see the bad apples get all the attention while people who actually do the job are left in the dark.
So today, Muni N Operator let me just say, on behalf of all of us who rely on the N, whenever we board and hear your voice, we know we’re not riding the failwhale for our ride. Thanks, and please, keep up the good work.
The N Judah Chronicles
PS: In a related #muniwin, a big high five to the young person who helped the seniors having trouble bording on the outbound N this afternoon. Way to be a helpful owner/rider!
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Hmm, I wonder if it’s the same driver I’ve experienced many times on the N.
There’s a driver I love getting who not only always announces every stop and connecting line at that stop, but also where those connecting lines actually go: “Next stop Church & Duboce, transfer point for the 22-Fillmore. This is also your transfer point for the J-Church, Outbound to Balboa Park.”
She says it all so clearly, and plenty loud enough for you to hear, even going through the tunnel or subway.
She also lets you know several the points of interest at the stops in the subway. My only issue is that she keeps telling people to get off at Van Ness for the Main Library and Asian Art Museum, when Civic Center is where you’d want to get off for either of those… but all her greatness easily makes up for that minor discrepancy.
You’ve reminded me that I need to get her driver number the next time I’m on her train so I can send a compliment to 311 to make sure she gets the credit she’s due.
Is this the woman who–in addition to what is said above–also tells everyone to take all their personal belongings when they leave, thanks everyone for riding, and wishes them a great night?? If so, I found out who she is!!!
Her name is RHONDA JACKSON, and her badge number is 3207!
She is the BEST.
Since I take the N to the end of the line, I got a chance to approach her and express my appreciation.
Please take a few moments to commend this lady to Muni! She deserves it (and she deserves a raise).
I hope they also use her to train other operators. It makes a world of difference to the riders to be treated with such kindness, intelligence, and good wishes.
My 8am Inbound driver from Church and Duboce is great! He is an older man with a Greek sounding accent. He drives very well and announces the stops with gravitas. Someone pulled the cord inside the tunnel today, and he explained they have “been stopping at every station for 30 years, no reason to stop that now”. After announcing all the connections, He then said, “Have a great day, I hope you remember me”. There you go.