The kind folks at SPUR sent out an email recently letting people know how they can help out the MUNI charter amendment on the ballot this fall. Since the fall election is easily one of the deadest in recent history, it’s likely that turnout will be low, thus making any volunteer effort that much more important to ensure the measure succeeds. Here are the details from Dave:
I’m writing to ask you to join your fellow SPUR transportation committee members and our allies in the Transit not Traffic campaign phone bank to identify absentee voters who support better Muni. We’ll feed you. It’s fun. It’s effective.
SPUR Day at the phone bank is a week from today, Wednesday Sept. 26, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Put it in your calendar now, and call me at 781-8726, ext. 135 to reserve your space. The phone bank is hosted by the SEIU. The address is 350 Rhode Island, Suite 100 South. It’s near 16th Street on the north side of Potrero Hill.
You can phone bank any day, Monday through Thursday, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Call Natasha at 415-357-1593 to volunteer on any other date.
This election is going to be close. If we lose, it will be hard to fix Muni in subsequent election cycles. Please, find the time to make a few phone calls.
So if you’re interested in helping out, be sure to give Dave or Natasha a call and let ’em know you’re ready to go to work! Should be fun!