Fun Friday: Guest Panelist at the SF Weekly Podcast and…

Aside from the tragic cable car accident on the California line, today is a great day to be outside! The weather’s great, there’s all sorts of fun things to do this Labor Day weekend, and it’s my birthday today (along with Sen. McCain, Michael Jackson, Elliot Gould and Hurricane Katrina – and possibly Hurricane Gustav)!
I also got a chance to be a guest panelist at the SF Weekly podcast while regular participant Paul Hogarth (who runs the Best Local Website according to the Bay Guardian) was at the Convention this week! Check it out…I’m off to ride a non-crashed cable car and enjoy the rest of my birthday!
PS: Sadly today is also a Critical Mass day. Mr. Mayor, the best present you could give me and SF would be mass arrests at the Ferry Building during Critical Mess. KTHXBAI.
UPDATE: More podcast goodness can be found here, posted on Saturday….

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