Friday Fun: What To Do This Weekend!

After yesterday’s drama, I thought it’d be good to do a Fun Friday post, and hopefully push away any bad luck associated with “Friday the 13th.” So first, a joke from Mason Powell, who, upon hearing the news that Roche will be purchasing Genentech, asked “Does this mean the Genenbus will be renamed the Roche Coach?”
Thank you! We’ll be here all week!
And now for some events…as you all know, St. Patrick’s Day is next week, which means that it’s really St. Patrick’s Next-Few-Days as we have tonight, the big St. Patrick’s Day Parade tomorrow, and then Sunday, and Monday and…well you get the idea.
But tomorrow is not just the big parade….the famous Brides of March will be convening at the Tunnel Top at 2:30 tomorrow for their annual day out and about. You may recall we ran into them last year, along with St. Patrick’s Day fans, zombies and Flickr people about a year ago at this time.
Locally, we have a few events worth noting. The always fun Inner Sunset Facebook Group, which has been holding some fun meetups locally, is going to be doing a walking tour of the neighborhood. Go to their Facebook event page, and RSVP for what looks to be an interesting tour of our neighborhood.
Also, Java Beach cafe will be hosting a family-friendly “Green Fest Block Party” in conjunction with the United Irish Cultural Center from 11am-4pm over by their new coffee shop at 2650 Sloat (at 45th). I always like Java Beach at the end of the N Judah line (where I’ve met many characters including this little bird), and now, they have another location at the end of the L-Taraval line.
I’ve also been reminded that tomorrow is Pi Day, where people celebrate that little number from geometry class. Go to the Exploratorium’s site for a list of activities, and note where you are at 1:59pm tomorrow (get it? 3/14 1:59…)
Also starting up today is the annual SF Asian American Film Festival which always has some really interesting films to check out. I will be making sure to check out You Don’t Know Jack, a short documentary about comic actor Jack Soo made by…Public Defender Jeff Adachi. Yes, that Jeff Adachi, who’s been making some waves at City Hall because he, unlike some elected officials, seems to take his job seriously, and actually shows up to do it.
This is Mr. Adachi’s second documentary – he made one a few years ago about Asian American male actors. It seems we have a Renaissance Man in the PD’s office after all! Go Jeff!
Finally, for my fellow nerds out there, while you’re watching the first piece of the very last episode of Battlestar Galactica tonight, why not check out this upcoming film series at the SFMOMA of dystopian futures from the past? I forgot to post this earlier, so they already had Logan’s Run on last night. But more are coming along so make some plans. (Yes I know that these technically aren’t happening this exact weekend, but I wanted to post a link ASAP).
That’s all! Remember, if you have an event you’d like to tell others about, feel free to email me or send me a message on The Twitter (@njudah) and I’ll try and include it in a future post!

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2 Responses to Friday Fun: What To Do This Weekend!

  1. megan says:

    I can’t endorse the Inner Sunset walking tour enough! Lorri Ungaretti is the CityGuides tour for the neighborhood, and also the preeminent historian of the Sunset District. She is the author of the Sunset’s Images of America book, and is currently writing another book about Sunset history. She is also super nice!

  2. Matt Bamberg says:

    Thanks for the list of things to do. The pi meeting is right up my alley.
    Matt Bamberg

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