You may have noticed an ad appearing to the right on the blog recently for Avalon Communities as well as on many other awesome local sites. Today I wanted to give them a special thanks for advertising with the blog. I’ve taken ads on an informal basis via or if someone (like Avalon) came along and offered to buy an ad, but I never really solicited them very much. (Google ads provide enough to cover hosting, which is to say, nada mucho).
However, Avalon is getting a special shout out, because thanks to them, and the monthly revenue I’m getting, I’m finally going to have the money to pay someone to help me really re-do this site properly, fixing various problems I have with the software that runs the site, as well as create a whole new layout, one that’s more reader friendly and doesn’t look like a crappy stock template from MovableType circa 2006 (which it is now).
None of this would have been possible had Avalon not offered to purchase an ad, so they deserve some thanks.
In the coming months, especially after November 3rd, I plan on making several changes here to make the site more fun and to make it easier for readers to contribute their ideas as well, besides “commenting.”
PS: If you’re a MovableType expert who can help upgrade my software and help me create new, 4.0+ friendly templates for the site, please email me. I can’t pay you a million dollars, but I can provide you with some promotion on the site. I also am always asked for referrals for people who do blog and web development, and am happy to pass along referrals to anyone who helps with the site.
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