This has nothing to do with the trending topics of the day (the Prop. 8 ruling, the death of Google Wave, or the ongoing mess at Clipper), but someone sent me a link to this video of the old Boeing cars (like the ones Muni used to have) being demolished in Boston.
Then, I found this video of a model Boeing set. I’ve actually seen Muni themed ones on Ebay once in a while, but I’ve NEVER seen a model Breda. The closest thing were those cardboard ones they gave away at the opening of the T Third line a few years back.
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What a beautiful sight! The T is an excellent way to get around Boston, but the Green Line was not a favorite (thanks to those awful Boeings.)
mixed emotions here. Glad to see abysmal junk go away, sad they were wrecked in such a manner–most of the car could be recycled. Ultimately one can only hope the experience of the Boeings and the Bredas will lead to better cars in the future.
That’s one nasty looking machine they had wrecking the Boeings. I couldn’t watch the whole thing–seeing any electric railway car, even a Boeing, torn apart brings back memories of the terrible machine that pulled out the Pacific Electric track in my home town of Monrovia back in 1952. It also recalled photos of Los Angeles streetcars piled up on Terminal Island in the 1950’s and PE 1200-class cars being torched in 1951. At least the Boeings weren’t replaced by diesel buses.
need to add that I acquired three of the models in Muni colors one for me one each the kids who got their first rides on them not long after they went into service. like the prototype they were shoddy mechanically, but they look fine standing still.
We really need a Boeing LRV or two on the F-line. Love ’em or hate ’em, they ARE a part of transit history.