Because Every Frakkkin’ Blogger Has To Weigh In On “The Torch” : A Modest Proposal for the City to Save Face

By now, every blogger in town has weighed in on all things Torch related – Brittney over at KPIX’s Eye on Blogs has been rockin’ with her coverage of said blog posts around the Bay.
After reading a few, I’d just offer the City this modest proposal to have a hassle-free run of the torch: Don’t have the runners run down Embarcadero, or whatever. Just put the thing on the N-Judah at Judah and La Playa.
Not only will any planned protests along the route miss it, since it’d most likely not show up on time, or speed past the stop, you can have a breakdown at 19th and Judah, and then have it put on say, the 6 Parnassus, or maybe the 71, so it can get downtown. Or better yet, put it on one of those greenie buses with the wifi. Then you could have a designated protestor blog a protest on the bus, live.
See? Everyone wins. We think about the children. China won’t nuke SF. And protestors get their say. Yay Us!

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One Response to Because Every Frakkkin’ Blogger Has To Weigh In On “The Torch” : A Modest Proposal for the City to Save Face

  1. Janet C says:

    That’s way too sensible.

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