If you missed ABC 7’s news tonight, check out the story on their website which profiles MUNI’s worst driver. (There’s also additional info on Noyes’ blog, too)
It never ceases to amaze me how MUNI and the driver’s union work so hard to protect people like this, and don’t stick up for the majority of drivers who put in an honest day’s work and try to serve the public.
It’s not surprising well-paid MUNI boss Nate Ford didn’t want to talk to the media…because I don’t know that someone getting paid well, who got a pay raise despite no big gains for MUNI, and who will continue to get paid even if fired tomorrow for incompetence can really say much on the issue.
Ah well.
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that was one CRAZY LADY!
What I found interesting in the video I saw (the one where she says “yo momma” to a rider) was that the rider was getting upset at her for blowing the bus’s horn.
Yes, she was argumentative and spoke to a patron in a way she shouldn’t, but she did have a point.
There were cars blocking her from pulling over and getting to a bus stop. She had every right, and I would say every obligation, to hit the horn and get the cars to move.
The cars had no business being there, they were doing something both illegal and unsafe, as well as causing and easily preventable traffic problem.
What if you were in a wheel chair and the bus couldn’t make it to the curb because someone was in the bus zone? What if you were stuck behind a bus because they decided to just stop in the middle of the street and not pull over? What if you were stuck behind a bus because someone decided to use a bus zone as a parking space while they went and bought some doughnuts “real quick”?
I see this happen dozens of times a week at 9th & Judah; the bus just stops in the lane, people have to walk out to the bus, and traffic backs up into the intersection because drivers can’t seem to look 20 feet in front of their grills. The streets and bus zones have to be used properly by everyone, car drivers, buses, pedestrians, everyone, If they are not, then the system breaks down, and not for any grand reason, but simply because people are too lazy and selfish (I don’t want to look for a parking spot, I ‘ll just be here for a second, etc).
Yes, the bus driver blew her stack and interacted with a rider in a manner that is completely inappropriate, but riders on a bus have NO right to tell a bus driver how to drive their bus as long as they’re driving it in a safe manner.
@TB: point well taken – cars can be douche-y sometimes and yes, the bus driver has to do their best to keep the passengers safe. However taken as a whole, plus that “screw you you can complain but MUNI won’t do anything” attitude, there’s more than enough damage being done to MUNI’s reputation by this and the other bad drivers to make one wonder what is up.
And let’s not forget – we’ve had plenty of instances, particularly on 9th where had it not been for the alert and careful drivers we might have had MORE accidents…I’ve written about these more than once and like in the situation you describe, a bus driver’s gotta do what they gotta do to keep the peace.